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Broadband and Broad-angle High Transmission in Structured Metals for EM Waves
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Coupling of Surface Plasmons in Nanostructured Metal/dielectric Multilayers

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Role of Interference between Localized and Propagating Surface Waves on the EOT Through a Subwavelength-Aperture Array
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Making Metals Transparent for ultrabroadband Electromagnetic Waves & Acoustic Waves

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Plasmonic Metamaterials and Their Applications

Tunable Electric and Magnetic Resonances

Opt. Express 19, 22942 (2011)

Band modulation and in-plane propagation of surface plasmons in composite nanostructures
Opt. Express 22, 025700 (2014)

Optical-magnetism-induced transparency in a metamaterial

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Asymmetric transmission of terahertz waves through a graphene-loaded metal grating
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Broadband absorption and efficiency enhancement of an ultra-thin silicon solar cell with a plasmonic fractal
Opt. Express 21, A313 (2013)

Freely tunable broadband polarization rotator for terahertz waves

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Photonic Micro-structures and Nano-structures and Their Applications

Plasmonic antenna array at optical frequency made by nanoapertures

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Tunable "Rainbow" Trapped in a Self-similar Coaxial Optical Waveguide
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Watching outside while under a carpet cloak of invisibility

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Position-sensitive spectral splitting with a plasmonic nanowire on silicon chip
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Acoustic Metamaterials, Phononic Transport and Quantized Thermal Conductance

Delocalization of phonons and quantized thermal conductance in a random n-mer system
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Multimode quantized thermal conductance tuned by external field in a quantum wire
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Tunable phononic band in a quantum wire by external field
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Phononic frequency combs through nonlinear resonances

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Quantum transport in mesoscopic structures

Electronic delocalization and resonant transmission in symmetric metallic nanowires

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Persistent currents (PC) in symmetric-polymer (SP) mesoscopic rings

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Tunable energy bands and spin filtering in two-dimensional superlattices
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Propagation of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves in a ferromagnetic/dielectric multilayer waveguide
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Resonant Transmission in Periodic and Non-periodic Dielectric Microstructures

Localization-delocalization transitionof photons in one-dimensional random n-mer dielectric systems
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Symmetry-induced perfect transmission of light waves in quasiperiodic dielectric multilayer

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Transmission of light waves in multilayer structure

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Selectable-frequency and tunable-Q perfect transmissions of electromagnetic waves in dielectric heterostructures
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